Church of England: Details of all services, activies and events are detailed in the monthly newsletter and posted on the village noticeboards.
Contact James Pitkin 01794 340635.
Most other denominations and sects have churches and meeting places in Lockerley, Salisbury, Romsey, Andover or Southampton.
There is usually an 8am communion service on the first Sunday of each month.
A Eucharist service is held at 9am on the second and fourth Sundays, and 9am Matins on the third Sunday – at the moment when there is a fifth Sunday in the
When there is a fifth Sunday in the month the Benefice (East Dean, East and West Tytherley and Lockerley) combine for a 10.30am service at East Tytherley.
There is always a service at one of the four churches every Sunday.
The most reliable and up to date information can be found on the church notice boards.
All are welcome at all or any service.
St Peter’s is a brick and flint building whose Georgian appearance belies the construction date of 1833. Later in the century, the windows were remodelled to be more in keeping, and a stone chancel was added. The west gallery is unusual and the complex Purbeck marble medieval font survived from the earlier church.
The large flamboyant gesturing angel by the entrance porch is in memory of the Baring family, long-time owners of Norman Court and the whole manor.
One of the unique features of St Peter’s is the three bells and their frame. One bell is dated as being 14th century, one 1725, but the oldest is from 1260 and is the oldest bell in the world (for full circle ringing)!
In 2010, a project started to restore the frames and rehang the bells so that they could be rung again. The first official ringing of the bells was at 3pm on Sunday 15th January 2012. The bells made it to the BBC’s “from Our Own Correspondent”. You can hear it here (the West Tytherley piece starts after 4m 40s)
The full address is St Peter’s Church, Church Lane, West Tytherley, Salisbury, SP5 1JY